
Board of Visitors

The Board of Visitors will function as a resource to Albany Academy at the highest level. The group is comprised of special former Board of Trustees and other key individuals and donors who have been instrumental to the School in the past and who bring wisdom, direction and leadership as its future is shaped. The group will be engaged and provide feedback to the Office of Institutional Advancement. The Board of Visitors meets twice per year -- once in the fall (October) and once in the spring (April). 
Dr. John Assini '65, P'99, '03

Ms. Karen Avery '83

Mr. William Belleville, Jr. '89

Mrs. Trudy Hemstead Calabrese '61

Mrs. Cynthia Caird

Mrs. Nancy Carey Cassidy P'13, '15

Mrs. Eileen Considine P`08

Mrs. Elissa Mueller Stevens duPont '52, P'71, '76, '79, GP '10

Mr. Kevin Higgins '80

Mr. E. Stewart Jones, Jr., Esq. '59, P'90, '93, '97

Mr. Stephen Marks '65

Mrs. Caroline Mason

Ms. Judith McIllduff '68, P'97, '99

Mr. George McNamee '64, P'12, '16

Ms. Wendy Muhlfelder '67, P'94, '98, '99, '00, Co-Chair

Mr. Cornelius Murray, Esq. '62, P'99, '05, '06, Co-Chair

Dr. Douglas M. North '58

Mrs. Monica Oberting '91

Mr. Michael B. Picotte '65

Mr. Steven Ranney '63

Ms. Deborah Nelson Russell `69

Ms. Susan Sneeringer '72, P'01, '04, '08

Mr. Francis Trombly, Jr. P'10

Ms. Rosemary Daoud Walsh '77, P'07, '09, '10, '13

Mr. Timothy Welles P'06, '12, '22

Ms. Mary Wren

Upper School Campus

Lower And Middle School Campus

Schellenberger Alumni/ae Center