

The libraries at Albany Academy for Girls & The Albany Academy offer a comprehensive collection of books,

audiovisual materials and digital access to a wealth of online databases and E-books. 

The collection is accessible 24 hours a day through Follett Destiny, the libraries’ online catalog. The libraries are fully automated and networked with desktop computers, Chromebooks, and wireless access for student laptops. The libraries provide presentation spaces for films and online lessons in Library resources and responsible research.
Library collections and programs promote a passion for reading through book borrowing, book talks and monthly reading challenges. The Academies librarians collaborate with faculty in order to provide print and electronic materials that support the curriculum. Through Active Learning and information literacy instruction, the librarians' goals are to prepare students to become critical thinkers who possess the skills necessary to become productive and engaged citizens in the 21st century.

The Librarians enrich and support the school’s curriculum by maintaining and providing an appropriate collection of materials that directly serve the needs of the students and teachers. Our lower and middle school Library classes prepare students to locate and synthesize print and digital information. Our upper school students are given the opportunity to build upon these skills through literacy sessions on a class by class basis and as always, by asking general reference questions.

Our membership in the Capital Region BOCES School Library System facilitates interlibrary loan and makes available a number of electronic resources. In addition, our membership connects the Academies libraries with public and independent school libraries throughout the Capital Region.

List of 3 items.

  • Library Hours

    AAG: Monday-Friday 7:45 a.m. - 4:15 p.m.
    AA: Monday-Friday 7:45 a.m. - 4:15 p.m.
  • Library Volunteers

    The AAG & AA Libraries appreciate the dedicated efforts of our parent volunteers who take part in a variety of activites that ensure that libraries run smoothly.

    For more information about becoming a library volunteer, contact Librarian Nancy Iannucci at (518) 429-2300 or
  • Commemorative Book Program

    The Albany Academies Libraries Commemorative Book Program invites parents, grandparents and friends to fund the purchase of one or more books for the school libraries on the occasion of your son or daughter's birthday, first communion, confirmation, bar or bat mitzvah, moving-up day, commencement, etc.
    Please contact Julie Dahlie at AA or Sheryl Hoffman at AAG to participate in the Commemorative Book Program.

    For additional information, please click here.

Library Staff

List of 1 members.

  • Photo of Nancy Iannucci

    Nancy Iannucci 


Library Resources

Upper School Campus

Lower And Middle School Campus

Schellenberger Alumni/ae Center
